dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017

Speaking 5th and 6th

Speaking 5th and 6th

This year 2016-17 we are doing a speaking project in English
The classes of 5th and 6th are split in two (13 children per group) and do this project every two weeks.

Aquest any 2016-17 estam fent un projecte de "speaking" en anglès.
Els grups de 5è i 6è estàn dividits en dos (13 alumnes per grup) i fan aquest projecte cada dues setmanes.

The Mediterranean Sea is the theme for this project so this term we are working on "Fauna and Flora from the Mediterranean Sea"

La Mar Mediterrània es el tema per aquest projecte així que aquest trimestre esteim treballant "Fauna i Flora a la Mediterrànea"

We work the vocabulary all together, watching videos and searching for information, and then in small groups (3 or 4) they choose the animal or plant they want to investigate.

Treballam el vocabulari tots junts veient videos i sercant informació, i després en petit grup (3 ó 4) ells han d'escollir un animal o planta que volen investigar.

Each group has to search for information in the internet (always in English and guided by the teacher) using the classroom laptops, and they have to look up the words they do not know using an online dictionary (wordreference.com) recommended by the teacher. They also have to look for some pictures to illustrate their work.

Cada grup ha de cercar la informació a internet (sempre en anglès i guiats per la professora) utilitzant els ordinadors d'aula, i han de cercar també les paraules que no entenen a un dictionari en linia (wordreference.com) recomanat per la professora. També han de cercar fotos que reflectin el seu treball.

Once they have the information (always in English) and the unknown vocabulary clarified, the teacher helps them to make easy sentences adapted to their level in order to be able to speak about their topic.

Una vegada que tenen la informació i el vocabulari, la professora els ajuda a fer oracions senzilles adaptades al seu nivell perquè puguin parlar sobre el seu tema.

When the students have all the necessary, they write on a big card the information (already corrected and adapted) and glue the pictures. This finished worked will be shown to the rest of the class and each one of the students has to speak about it.

Quan els alumnes ja tenen tot el que necessiten, escriuen a una cartulina la informació ( ja corretgida i adaptada) i aferran les fotos. Aquest treball serà mostrat als seus companys i cada alumne ha de parlar sobre el seu tòpic.

Some of the topics chose by the students are: Posidonia, octopus, blue shark, weeverfish, coral, dolphin...

Alguns dels tòpics elegits pels alumnes són: Poseidonia, pop, tauró blau (tintorera), peix aranya, coral, dofí...

In the second term we will work "Mediterranean Cuisine" and, in the third one "Countries in the Mediterranean"

Al segon trimestre treballarem la "cuina mediterrania i al tercer, els països mediterranis.